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Saab Global
First flight Brazilian Gripen E


2 min read

四名FAB(巴西空军)飞行员已经开始在巴西进行操作鹰狮的转换训练, reports blogbeforeflight. The training, which started on January 19, 2021, 目前正在瑞典空军的F7联队进行.

今年共有10名FAB飞行员将在SwAF鹰狮C/D上接受转换训练. After training for combat readiness with Gripen, 飞行员将返回Anápolis空军基地第一防空大队(1ºGDA)的美洲虎中队,在那里将于今年晚些时候开始新型FAB“鹰狮”E的作战实施.

Speaking at the beginning of the training, Lieutenant Colonel Leandro Vinicius Coelho, Commander of the 1° GDA, 他说:“这些战斗机飞行员是事先挑选出来的,为这一刻做好了准备. They are ready to start the course and, certainly, 他们将在这项崇高的使命中最能代表我们的国家和巴西空军.他补充说,第一波培训非常重要,因为它将为接下来的课程奠定基础.

训练包括几项专业训练, such as qualifying in a 9G centrifuge, conversion training with Gripen D, 以及“鹰狮”特定飞行测试技术的培训.

Major Vítor Cabral Bombonato, future Gripen pilot and one of the four trainees, 他说:“课程的开始代表了实施过程中的又一个重要步骤. 这种飞机离投入使用越来越近了. For us, this is a moment of great pride."

Read the full story here.