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Saab Global


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创造一艘高效的海军舰艇是一个重大的妥协. There are many, often conflicting requirements that must be set against each other. It should be a ship with good characteristics for operating in archipelagos and at sea, such as speed, stability, and fuel consumption. 

The onboard environment should function well for the crew so that they can live together for extended periods while performing advanced tasks. 舰艇也应该具备各种任务所需的能力, 比如发射鱼雷和导弹, all while being difficult to detect and resistant to enemy mines and attacks.

作为星际网赌导航的设计师和造船师, one must master a wide range of areas to deliver a world-class ship or submarine. The ability to compile all the requirements and then create comprehensive drawings and descriptions is called “Basic design”. This is where the ship's performance and capabilities are specified through drawings and technical descriptions. 在此过程中进行各种类型的测试和验证, such as data simulations, 在水池中进行模型试验以验证耐浪性能, and sometimes wind tunnel tests to ensure that a helicopter can land onboard in various wind conditions and weather.


Afterward, detailed design is carried out, which is used for the actual ship construction. Basic design, detailed design, 所有的施工都可以由一家公司完成, 但这些工作往往是由各自领域的专家分工完成的. 星际网赌导航在所有这些领域都有丰富的经验. 根据客户的要求和我们自己的经验, 我们选择最好的方法来完成这个项目.

The Swedish Visby corvettes


The Swedish Visby corvettes were developed and built in the late 1990s and launched in the early 2000s. 尽管已经20多岁了, 它们在设计的许多方面仍然是独一无二的,世界领先的. 除了它们的低特征(隐身), low detectability), 它们是非常通用和灵活的.

它们被开发用来执行各种任务, such as surveillance and targeting surface targets with missiles and torpedoes. In addition, 轻型护卫舰还可以搜索和消除水雷, 潜艇和舰载直升机. All this in one of the most complex maritime environments with tens of thousands of islands, varying salinity, 以及波动的温度, the Baltic Sea.

In most other countries, separate ships are often used to accomplish these tasks. 但在瑞典这样的小国,我们必须聪明和多才多艺. 与FMV(瑞典国防物资管理局)一起, 为了找到最终的组合,人们做了大量的工作. A ship made of carbon fiber composite with low weight and advanced stealth capabilities. 建造了五艘,启发了世界各地全新类型的船只. 



作为维斯比轻型护卫舰的衍生品, Saab was commissioned by Singapore in 2012 to develop the overall design of a versatile vessel for patrol, surveillance, and naval combat. 这艘船被命名为LMV -濒海任务船. Here too, the task was to combine many capabilities into a relatively small vessel.

Through close collaboration with the Singaporean customer and the shipyard where the ships would be built, 星际网赌导航工程师创造了一种混合动力结构, a basic design 用于钢船体和复合上层结构的船舶. 这是两全其美的做法, 施工成本效益, high performance, 以及各种能力的潜力.

详细的建造工作在新加坡的造船厂进行, 包括建造钢船体. Saab performed detailed design and built and delivered the composite superstructures. 所有的东西都在新加坡组装. 2015年,8艘“独立”级潜艇中的第一艘下水.


Multi-Role Combat Vessel - Larger, more powerful, and flexible for Singapore

Thanks to long and close collaboration with the Singapore Navy and DSTA (their equivalent of FMV), 2021年,星际网赌导航再次接受了执行该任务的信任任务 basic design for a new class of vessels. 这一次,任务涉及一艘更大的船只,基本上是一艘护卫舰. That is, 一种长度超过100米,排水量在5,000 to 10,000 tons.

船只的大小并不是唯一的挑战. 它们还必须配备一系列新的能力和系统, 其中许多还不是市场标准. In addition to traditional weapon systems such as torpedoes and missiles for both air and sea targets, the vessels should also be able to serve as a command and control ship for unmanned vehicles. These vehicles should be able to operate in the air, on the sea, and below the surface.

In this case Saabs engineers are faced with challenges in how to create flexibility, all while maintaining the fundamental functions of the vessels in terms of endurance, protection, and effectiveness. At the same time, there is a requirement that the vessel should be operatable by a relatively small crew.

The work on the basic design is soon to be completed, and the detailed construction process will begin at the shipyard in Singapore, 谁来建造船只. 新级共计划建造6艘, with the first vessel in the class expected to be operational around 2030 according to publicly available information in Singapore.

Experience and Innovation

创造一个灵活且经得起未来考验的容器, 丰富的经验和创新能力都是必需的. Saab’s business area Kockums has a fundamental knowledge base from over 330 years of shipbuilding. 结合与学术界合作的新技术, FMV, the Swedish Navy, 以及海军工业的其他公司和利益相关者, 我们确保我们的客户得到一个设计,结合了众多的, and sometimes conflicting, requirements. 简而言之,我们在 basic design 用于先进的水面作战舰艇.